The Drone man - john lagnese

With over 33 years in the printing and marketing industry, a PT 107 certification through the F.A.A., and insurance to commercially operate Drones for Aerial Video and Photography, I am eager to help you with your marketing and advertising through state-of-the-art technology and utilization of emerging trends. My experienced team of associates will take the time to understand your needs and help you create a plan for maximum exposure.

Helping you get noticed in the busy world of today is our mission. Your audience will be our target in a multitude of marketing options whether you need some promotional materials printed, posters created for a special event, in house forms or marketing your company or products utilizing the latest in Drone technologies providing Ground & Aerial Video and Photography for your growing business.

What sets us apart from our competitors is our wide variety of marketing services that we offer providing you one stop shopping. What does that mean to you? Complete control of your project from beginning to end. We have you covered on the ground and in the air!

Do you have a marketing challenge or just want to see “IT” in a different perspective? Give us a call, the answer is always YES!

Aerial 51 Media Solutions - John Lagnese with Drone Equipment

john lagnese

President and Pilot in Command
Aerial 51 Media Solutions, LLC